KEP PLUS: Stepping Up Support for Startup Entrepreneurship
By Business Partners | Jul-Aug 2020

A new initiative aims to build on the existing network of Citizen Support Centers to offer targeted support for startups and entrepreneurship across the country. Launched by the Ministry of Digital Governance in the context of the country’s ongoing efforts towards digital transformation and the establishment of a more streamlined and efficient business environment, the…

Traversing the Fault Lines: Education and Employment in Post-COVID-19 Greece
By Business Partners | Jul-Aug 2020

EOPPEP CEO Ioanna Lytrivi talks to Business Partners Magazine about trends and challenges in Greece’s volatile post-COVID-19 job market. At just 37, you were appointed CEO of EOPPEP, the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance. Tell us a bit about your background and how you came to your current position. I…

We acknowledge & encourage donations

AmChamGR acknowledges and congratulates all its members which are stepping forward and provide support with financial or in kind donations during this difficult period for our country. You may see the updated list here Important Note: The list will be updated weekly. For those we may have not acknowledged, please forward your press release concerning…