Fostering Tomorrow’s Agile Self-Learners
By Leonidas Phoebus Koskos, Esq., President, Hellenic American university / Hellenic American College | Business Partners, Mar-Apr 2019

Why how is more important than what when it comes to education Students in Greece and their parents tend to ask the same questions when they investigate options for higher education, and among the most frequent are those having to do with the courses they’ll be taking. Surprisingly, few ask how they will learn. Yet…

Turning to Technology to Enhance Boardroom Governance
By Martyn Chapman, Head of Strategy, Nasdaq Governance Solutions | Business Partners, Mar-Apr 2019

Global businesses and markets are caught in a seemingly perpetual cycle of disruption and adjustment, and company leadership and board directors are met with finding new and innovative ways of communicating and working with shareholders.   As disruption in the workplace has company leaders and directors working to find new ways of communicating with shareholders,…

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