Seven trends at Summer Fancy Food Show 2017

NEW YORK — Sales of specialty food and beverages reached $127 billion in 2016, surging 15% over a two-year period, while all food sales at retail grew 2.3%. The segment’s strong double-digit growth is expected to continue in the years ahead, said Philip M. Kafarakis, president of the Specialty Food Association. “The consumer evolution into authentic,…

«Super-consumer»: Tο νέο είδος καταναλωτή στις ΗΠΑ

Σε κάθε κατηγορία προϊόντων, περίπου το 10% των καταναλωτών αντιπροσωπεύει το 30% έως 70% των πωλήσεων. Αυτού του είδους οι καταναλωτές ονομάζονται «super-consumers». Οι super-consumers, για παράδειγμα, που αρέσκονται στην κατανάλωση hot dog, τρώνε πέντε κιλά μηνιαίως ενώ φθάνουν να καταναλώσουν μέχρι και 4 hot dog ανά γεύμα. Επίσης, «super-consumers» είναι οι χρήστες συρραπτικών που…

Tennessee Holidays

The Volunteer State No other place can claim to be the capital of American music like Tennessee. From the Beale Street Blues of Memphis, to Nashville’s Grand Ole Opry and Bristol’s historic “Bristol Sessions,” Tennessee’s musical heritage is internationally renowned. From the legendary artistry of Elvis Presley, Dolly Parton, B.B. King and Johnny Cash, to modern…

Retail's Single Biggest Disruptor. Spoiler Alert: It's Not E-commerce

There is no question that the retail industry is under-going a tremendous amount of change. Record numbers of store closings. Legacy brands going out of business–or teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. Venture capital funded start-ups wreaking havoc upon traditional distribution models and pricing structures. Discount-oriented retailers stealing share away from once mighty department stores. And,…

Illinois Holidays

The Land of Lincoln Illinois is located in the heart of the US, boasting scenic byways, lush vineyards and weaving networks of lakes and rivers. It is the 24th largest state and it is bordered on three sides by water. Illinois has been home to four US presidents, each celebrated with myriad trails and historical…

Ohio Holidays

The Buckeye State Head to Ohio, known as the Buckeye State and you can discover the lighthouse-dotted coastline or plunge to the depths of Lake Erie in search of shipwrecks. The Lake Erie Islands are also the place to go for a really relaxing break – perfect for fishing, boating, hiking, birding, wine tasting or…