The CSR Committee of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce convened its 3rd Sustainable Talks initiative, titled “The Big Stem Theory”, on April 17, 2019 at Vodafone. Sustainable Talks is a series of single subject discussions aiming to create a constructive dialogue platform on the integration of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the Greek business reality.
Opening remarks were addressed by Simos Anastasopoulos, President of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and by Pakis Papademetriou, Chair, CSR Committee & Corporate Quality Manager, Athens International Airport.
Haris Broumidis, President and Chief Executive Officer of Vodafone Greece, commented that “Digital literacy among young people is at the heart of Vodafone’s strategy. We believe that technology and science developments create an extremely positive outlook and can change the lives of more people for the better. They open up new employment opportunities for young people and act as a catalyst for sustainable development. We, therefore, have to support the cultivation of digital skills among young people by encouraging them to work to shape a better, more exciting future for all.”
Thereafter, Nicole Ioannidi, Head of Corporate Affairs, Vodafone Greece and CSR Committee member, moderated the discussion with keynote speaker, Theodore Anagnostopoulos, Founder & General Manager of the social enterprise, SciCo, addressing the issue of combating science literacy in schools through innovative STEM experiential education.
The 3rd Sustainable Talks, with participants from various market sectors, focused on highlighting opportunities for enhancing education and digital skills for young people at a time when environmental and social challenges require better understanding by the public and activating young people’s interest in science. Theodore Anagnostopoulos raised critical questions, such as: Why is science communication more necessary than ever in today’s post-truth era? How is the diffusion of science adapted to modern data? Why do we need STEM training?.
The discussion focused on what skills in science, technologies, critical thinking and problem-solving are essential for citizens of the future. At the same time, Theodore Anagnostopoulos commented that our students’ poor performance in international evaluations highlights the need to strengthen these skills, explaining that SciCo’s actions and programs, such as STEMpowering Youth, contribute measurably to the empowerment of the new generation, providing STEM training and enhancing student literacy or innovation in 35 different remote locations throughout Greece.
The American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce supports the vision of engaging the interest of young people in science as a sustainable way to address the challenges of the future.
The 3rd Sustainable Talks was sponsored by Vodafone.