The American Hellenic Chamber of Commerce invests in a constant effort to highlight the modern trends of Sustainable Development in the era of the rapid changes of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The 16th annual CSR conference, The World of a Better Tomorrow: Sustainability & the New Disruptive Era, held on October 31, 2018 at the Benaki Museum focused on sustainability in the balance between exponential technological developments and the social and ethical issues that arise.
In today’s disruptive era where rapid developments in digital technology affect and reconfigure business, economy, society, and the daily life of people, distinguished speakers opened a window to the future and discussed the business, social and ethical issues that are emerging.
Through its three sessions – Building Digital Skills, Boosting Human Capabilities and Radical Change Management – the CSR conference addressed questions that concern modern responsible entrepreneurship: What new skills one cannot imagine today will be required in the near future? What ethical dilemmas and challenges are brought by the rapid technological evolution? How do the limits change in human potential? How does technology change the way we understand the business environment? What businesses need to do to adapt to the subversive changes that technology brings?
The conference closed with the need to bring out human values as this the distinguishing factor between man and machine.
Opening Remarks
Simos Anastasopoulos, President, American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
Pakis Papademetriou, Chair, CSR Committee, American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
Alexandra Palli, Secretary General, CSR Hellas
Session I – Building Digital Skills: Empowerment for the Generations Ahead
John Baras, Professor, University of Maryland
Kyriacos Sabatakakis, Country Managing Director, Accenture
Dimitris Kossyfas, Head of Travel, Google Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Malta
Session II – Boosting Human Capacity: Quest for Societal Growth and Quality of Life
Nicholas Katsanis, Professor, Duke University
Vasileios Nasis, President & CEO, Netronix Group
Myladie Stoumbou, Regional Director, Channel Partners and Programs CEE MC, Microsoft
Session III – Managing Radical Change: Sustainable Path to Digital Transformation
George Nounesis, Director & Chairman of the Board, National Center for Scientific
Research Demokritos